Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price: POA
SOLD Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price: POA
Gear Hobbing machine
Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1
Jig borer
Used / in stock
Industrial saw
Used Location:Â United Kingdom Quantity:Â 1 Price:Â POA
Cnc tool grinder
Miller for sale
Automatic feed saw
Punch press tool grinder
Non cnc tube bender
Industrial drill
Used Radial drill
Toolroom bandsaw
Large horizontal bandsaw
Used Location:Â United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price:Â POA
Surface grinder
Used Trumpf Slat cleaner
Deburring machine
Sheet metal edge linisher
Circle cutting machine
Sheet metal finisher
Paint line for sale
Insertion press
Complete ducting facility for sale
Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 90+
Metal finishing
Steel beam drilling machine
Cut to length line
Amada punch
Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 2
3metre x 6mm New Control
Used / In stock
New Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price: POA
1500ton hydraulic press
2.5metre x 60ton 6axis
4metre x 150ton / 10axis
Stamping press
30ton horizontal press
3metre x 100ton 8axis
Used / In Stock
25ton C frame press
Section rolls
Bystronic 6kw
Used / coming in stock
4.4kw Bystronic laser
1metre x 2mm
Small rollers
3metre x 6mm
300ton c frame hydraulic
PS 15 treadle guillotine
3metre x 6.35mm
Large folder Super line
1000ton press for sale
1.5metre x 4mm rolls
New / in stock
Bystronic 6kw cnc laser
Quality Used
4mm year 2005 notcher
Bystronic 6kw 4metre
Location: United Kingdom Quantity:
700ton H frame press
Bystronic 4.4kw
2metre x 60ton 6axis
2200ton h frame
120ton x 3metre / 4axis
Keetona Model Huf
60 ton iron worker
2metre x 6mm
Non cnc 3.5m x 100ton
3m x 6mm
3metre x 100ton – 7axis
4metre x 150ton
8 axis 3metre x 100ton
Bystar 3015
115 ton universal Kingsland style iron worker
30ton cnc punch press
Bush inserter
Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1
New Powered Rolls
3metre x 100ton
Used / Coming into stock
Trumpf laser spare parts
2.5m x 60ton non cnc
Used press
Hydraulic press for sale
3metre x 1.5metre 4kw
10kw fiber laser
Power press
250ton C frame
3metre x 150ton
Used / coming into stock
5axis 3.2kw laser
2.5metre x 3.25mm
2m x 3.5mm shear
320ton x 4metre / 6axis
Trumpf punch press
3metre x 2mm
Powered bending roll
Hydraulic press
4metre / 6axis / 100ton
3metre x 10mm
Folding, rolling and cutting
3metre x 13mm
150ton x 4metre / 6axis
3015 6kw
3m x 100ton 6axis
3metre x 100ton 6axis
2.5 metre x 8mm
Bending rolls
5metre x 400ton 8axis
320ton x 4metre 8axis
2.5metre x 80ton
Powered section rolls
3.2kw cnc tube laser
Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: Multiple Price: POA
New iron worker
Brand new
800ton h frame
x2 4metre pressbrakes
2.5metre x 63ton non cnc
5kw 4m x 2m
5.2kw 3015 c/w automation
Automatic panel bender
2.5metre rolls
Power presses for sale
2.5metre x 60ton / 6axis
3metre x 6.5mm
6kw 3m x 1.5m
3m cnc folder
2metre x 85ton
5metre x 110ton
2m x 6mm bending rolls
Laser chiller
Location: United Kingdom Quantity: n/a
Modern Trumpf pressbrake
4metre 4kw laser
Punch press grinder
70ton C frame New available
3metre x 100ton / 6axis
Trumpf 5 axis laser
1000ton Hydraulic press
2.5m Powered folder
2.5metre x 1.5mm
4metre x 2metre laser
2metre x 50ton
Electric 150ton press
3metre x 2mm cnc folder
Cnc punch press
New & Used Available Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price: POA
Bystronic metal cutting shear
4metre x 160ton
4,4kw 3metre x 1.5metre
2.5metre x 80ton New Control
New 115ton Kingsland style iron worker
2.5 metre x 3mm
2metre powered folder
2500ton H frame press
4metre x 4mm
Sheet Metal Guillotines
Brand New
Location: United Kingdom
3metre / 7axis / 100ton
5kw cnc laser
4metre x 150ton / 6axis
3metre powered rolls
2metre x 80ton
Large Format Punch Press
10kw 3015
Cnc Tube laser
Fully hydraulic section rolls
60ton iron worker
160ton x 4metre / 6axis
3metre x 1.5metre
1600ton h frame
Steel processing
3metre x 175ton
4.4kw cnc laser
4metre x 6mm
4.4kw 3015
5 axis cnc laser
2kw tube laser
2metre powered rolls
late Trumpf 500 punch press
2.5metre x 2.5mm cnc folder
1metre x 5mm powered rolls
4metre x 100ton
1.5metre x 35ton
2.5metre x 60ton
100ton x 3metre / 4axis
New box and pan Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price: POA
1metre x 25ton pressbrake
60ton Hydraulic press forsale
1.2metre x 25ton nc
2.5metre x 6mm
50ton Iron Worker
Section rollers
2.5kw / compact cnc laser
3metre x 200ton
New In stock Brand: Reha Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1
Cnc laser with automation
2kw Cnc laser
150ton x 3metre press brake
Sheet metal rollers
4metre x 180ton
2500 ton hydraulic press
1metre x 3mm
3metre / 8axis / 100ton
3.2kw small foot print
1.8metre bending rolls
Bystronic cutting heads etc
3metre x 100ton – 7axis
3kw fiber laser
6metre bending rolls
Cnc punch press tool grinder
2000ton hydraulic press
Used Amada
Trumpf series 5000
3m x 16mm shear
Metal bending rolls
5kw Fiber laser
60ton x 2.5metre / 3axis
1.2metre x 25ton
3metre x 160ton
4mm thickness
85ton x 2.5metre / 4axis
Hydraulic press dealer
Amada turret punch
100ton x 3metre / 6axis
Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 3
MET International Hydraulic press
4metre x 2metre 6kw laser
Trumpf 200r cnc punch
160ton x 3metre / 4axis
Hydraulic h frame press
3metre x 3.5mm
2.5metre 8axis
3metre x 150ton 9axis
150ton x 3metre / 7axis
13mm x 3metre
3metre x 120ton 6axis
Edwards Pearson 2.5m x 3.5mm
6.4metre up and down cnc folder
bending rolls for sale
3metre x 100ton New Cnc
Column And Boom Welder
Hand metal folder
Sheet metal cutter
Non cnc 3m x 100ton
Non cnc punch
Compact laser for sale
5kw CNCÂ laser
Kr6 / 2 Krc 1
3015 laser
300ton pressbrake
4m x 200ton pressbrake
250ton x 3metre press brake
Punch press with automation
Used Fiber laser
Super Fabricator punch Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1
Robot welder
6 metre x 2.5 metre 6kw
Simple tube bender
3m x 13mm shear
3metre x 120ton
Sheet metal folder
Used pressbrake in stock.
Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price: PO
100inch 1/4 folder
SE 100/3100: 3m x 100ton
Bandsaw for sale in stock
Fully automatic horizontal bandsaw
Multi-axis Turning Centre
Trumpf 1600 large format
Horizontal Bandsaw
Cnc machining centre
Manual punch press
Seam welder
5000 Watt CNC Laser
2metre x 66ton 6axis
Cnc machine tool
2.5metre guillotine
Iron worker for sale
Seam Welding unit
Used Dynama 4
4kw laser
3kw laser cutting machine
250ton x 4metre
320ton x 4metre press brake Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1
Aylesbury Automation
160ton iron worker
2.5m x 85ton 6axis
3metre laser x 20mm thick
Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 2 Price: POA
Sheet folder
3m x 100ton
250ton x 4m / 7axis
Laser cutter
3metre x 100ton pressbrake
Large bed laser
Sheet support back gauge
2.5kw c02 laser
3m x 100ton multi axis
Compact powered shear
3m x 6.5mm
2.5m powered folder
Non cnc punch press
4metre x 150ton pressbrake
Cnc 3m guillotine
German made cnc tube bender
4metre x 250ton 7axis
3m x 100ton press
Machining centre / Milling machine
Non cnc pressbrake
Guillotine With Sheet Stacker
Cnc Lathe
Powered folder
4kw Fiber Laser
1.5kw 3m x 1.5m laser Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1
3m x 100ton cnc press brake
2.5m x 30ton press brake
4metre between centres lathe
Compact cnc punch press
3m x 6mm guillotine
3p pressbrake for sale
Used Gildermeister
Horizontal bender
2m x 10mm shear
2metre x 50 ton
Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price: POA Bedsize: 3 metre x 110ton
2.5metre x 75ton
1.8 kw laser
Modern CNC laser
Trumpf Rotation Punch
1.2m x 25ton cnc press brake
4.1metre x 130 ton cnc press brake
Cnc Turret punch presss Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1
1.5m x 6mm
3kw laser
Plasma cutter
Small folder
Horizontal bandsaw
Trumatic L3050
Servo electric pressbrake
2.5m Nc pressbrake
100ton x 3metre 5axis
4.4kw 3m x 1.5m
2.5metre x 85ton / 6 axis
CNC Laser
3metre x 100ton electric pressbrake
Refurbished Bystronic 5kw laser
Pressbreak for sale
Loader for cnc laser
Conventional lathe
31 255 + 200 / 8 axis
8 axis 200ton cnc pressbrake
Byspeed 4.4kw
C/W Liftmaster Compact
2.5m x 60ton cnc
Trumpf large format cnc punch press
Used Press brake for sale
Cnc folder
3m x 6mm shear
Small pressbrake for sale
Used Bystronic lasers
Tube bender
High definition cnc plasma
3m x 135ton 7axis
Compact small laser for sale
Corner Notcher
320ton pressbrake
2m x 35ton non cnc
Cnc vertical machining centre
Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 4.5metre x 2metre cnc plasma
Belt Linisher
3kw cnc laser
Small pressbrake
3.7metre x 10mm guillotine
2metre x 80ton 6 axis
Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price: POA
Plcs ts2 Cnc pressbrake for sale
60 ton x 2 metre
2metre x 50ton press brake
3m x 10mm guillotine
Used Bystronic laser Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price: POA
4metre x 120ton
4metre x 16mm guillotine
6kw Laser cutter for sale
Compact laser
3m x 3.5mm
4m x 170ton
2m x 40ton pressbrake
3metre cnc folder
Kos 2510
Edwards dd 3metre x 3.5mm
Laser punch Combo fiber
3m x 1.5metre waterjet
4000 watt laser
4000watt 3metre x 1500mm cnc laser Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1
120ton press
2metre x 50ton cnc pressbrake
50 Ton Ironworker
Blm cnc bender
Used Cnc Lathe SL40
6mm / variable angle
3015 Cnc laser
Corner linisher
2.7kw CNCÂ laser
Fiber laser
3metre x 80ton
Sedgewick folder
Domnick Hunter nitrogen generators
Cnc Machining centre
Powered rolls
Cnc lathe
Duct former
Cnc pressbrake for sale
Large capacity bandsaw
Servo electric cnc punch press
4.4kw laser
100ton x 3metre 6axis
62.30Â / 3metre
3metre x 110ton cnc
Ras fully automatic cnc panel folder
Morgan HBP 100/10/BKL
Steel saw
6metre cnc hd plasma
3metre cnc pressbrake
2.5m x 80ton non cnc
6kw Laser
Heavy duty pressbrake
Used Amada lasers for sale
Cnc punch
Trumpf Trumatic laser
Compact folder
4m x 100ton cnc press brake
Electric motor pressbrake
Used 3metre laser
200ton x 4metre 8xis
Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 3 Price: POA
Amada machines
4metre x 300ton press
Used Location:Â United Kingdom Quantity: 2 Price:Â POA
Non cnc press brake
Refurbished Bystronic spare parts
3metre x 125ton Used Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1
4m x 10mm shear
2m x 3mm shear
Bystronic 4metre x 2metre waterjet
Steel cutting saw
Used miller
2.5m x 10mm shear
250ton x 4metre cnc pressbrake
1.5metre x 30ton cnc pressbrake
Sheet rolling
Trumabend 130ton x 3m
3metre x 6mm guillotine
Metal cutting shear/guillotine
CNC Punch press
150ton x 3metre Location: United Kingdom Quantity: 1 Price: POA
3m x 3.2mm sheet support shear
60ton x 2.5metre 8axis
3m x 100ton nc
2m x 60 ton 6 axis
2.5m x 80ton cnc
3kw 3metre laser
2.5m x 3.5mm
Bomar Ergonomic 320.250DG
2.5m x 80ton PPEB
Sheet metal seam closer
Nearly new / in stock
3.2kw / compact laser
Trumpf punching machine
3metre x 65 ton