Ernst Em5/n 1400
Timesavers41 series900
Timesavers 41 series 900
Ducting manufacturing
Surtech L85
Lasm LBO
Morgan bending rolls
Picot RCS 150-30
Durma MRB-E2002
Tauring Alfa 50 H1
Powered bending rolls
Edwards 2.5metre rolls
New 1.5metre x 4mm
3 in 1 machine
Zopf ZB 70/2.M
New Section rolls
Morgan phpw 102
3 Rolls FASTI 108-10-5
Bronx 6metre rolls
2m x 6mm bending Rolls
2metre x 6mm rolls
Morgan 2m x 6mm rolls
1.2metre x 3mm rolls
1metre Rolls
1m x 0.8mm sheet rollers
Sheet metal hand rolls
Faccin bending rolls HCU
Isitan IRM 1050 x 110
Akyapak Apk 45
Steco Roll Bender
Sahinler HPK 65
Sahinler PK35
Sahinler PK-30
Sahinler MRM-S
Sahinler MRM-S 2050
Sahinler RM 1550/140
Ursviken Z 60 Pullmax
Roll Bending Machine
Bronx PPU 1012
Zopf ZB 70/2 Gmbh
Luther Werken
HAUSER 3BA Jig borer
Webster & Bennett 36″
Kearns & Richards SH75
SF125L Borer
SCHIESS Vertical
Keetona Huf 2.5metre
New 2.5m box pan folder
Keetona 2m x 3mm
Jorns 12 metre x 3mm
Isitan Folder
Trident 1.2metre Folder
Edwards Folder
Powered box & pan folder
New Box and Pan Folder
Pemserter Series4
Sertabush 500
Pem Serter Series 2000
Eckold Hat520
Eckold HC 1000 R
Eckold Hat 520
Ras UpDownBend 78.40
RAS 62.30
Salvagnini P4 1812
Ras XXL Centre 75.06
Ras folders for sale
Ras 62.25 Turbobend Plus
Walton Box & Pan Folder
Niigata SPN-50
Asquith Butler HPF
Amada Apelio II
Bystronic BySmart 3015
Trumpf 6kw
Bystronic Laser
Bystronic ByStar 3015
Bystronic Laser c/w Bytrans
Bystronic Bystar 4020
Bystronic Bystar 4020 6kw
Amada LC 3015 F1 NT
Trumpf Trulaser 5030
Bystronic 3015 4.4kw
Trumpf Tubematic 3.2kw
Amada LC – 1212 a IV NT
Trumpf TruLaser Cell 7040
Bystronic Bystar 3kw
Bystronic Bystar 6kw
Bystronic 6kw
Trumpf L2530 PLUS
Trumpf Trumatic L4050
Bystronic Byspeed
Blm Lt120 tube laser
Trumpf Tubematic
Bystronic Pro
Bystronic Byautonom
Bystronic 4020
Bystronic Bystar 10kw
Trumpf TLC Cut 5
Bystronic BySprint Pro
Trumpf L3050 5kw
Trumpf 5030 Fiber
Trumpf laser spare parts
Bystar 4020 4kw
Amada FO 3015 4kw
Lvd Helius laser
Trumpf TruTool TSC 100
New cnc laser chillers
Bystronic spare parts
Trumpf TLC 1005
Bode Welder
Colchester Mascot 1600
Myford Super 7
Colchester Student 1800
Chester Monarch Lathe
Giddings & Lewis
Schaukel 60
Esprit d1500
ESAB Suprarex SXE-P
Esab Suprarex SXE-P5500
Esab Suprarex SXE-P1
Espirit Viper 3000
Espirt Lightning HD 2000
Bystronic Xcel 50
Edwards PR10 320ton
Bystronic PR150
Ursviken Optima 100 3.1
Bystronic Xpert 150/3100
Bystronic Xpert 320/4100
Edwards Pearson RT2
Edwards Pearson PR
Bystronic Xpert 100 x 3100
Bystronic Xpert 150 x 3100
Bystronic Beyeler PR320
Edwards Pearson PR8
Bystronic XPERT 200 x 3100
Durma E 40160
Bystronic EP 31-100
Trumpf Trumabend v85S
Edwards CybTouch 15
Edwards Pearson PR6
Edwards Pearson PR4
Edwards Pearson PR6 3m
Edwards Pearson 5metre
Edwards Pearson 150ton
Trumpf TruBend 3180
Bystronic Xcite 80 E
Promecam RG 5020
Trumpf Series 3000
Trumpf TruBend 3100
Trumpf 3100 – B26
Trumpf Trumabend v85
Edwards Pearson RTB 60T
Darley EHP 80 25/2 New Cnc
AMADA ITS2 25-12
Edwards Pearson 7axis
Bystronic EP Afm 160/4
Bystronic Xact 160
Edwards PR3 100/3100
Edwards PR3 150/3100
Durma AD-R 30175
Edwards PR10 150/4100
Bystronic Xact Smart
Bystronic EP 100
Adira QIH 6325
Bystronic PR 4metre
Bystronic PR 100×4100
Bystronic Xpert
Bystronic PR100
Edwards PR6 100/3100
Morgan Rushworth APHS 3100/120
Baykal APHS 3106×120
Trumpf 3120
Edwards Pearson 150/4100
Bystronic PR 150×3100
Ursviken Optima 160 4.1
Afm EP 31-160
Bystronic pressbrakes
Megoform 1.5m x 35ton
Bystronic Pr60
Ursviken Optima 400 5.1
Amada IT2 25-12
Amada its2 pressbrake
Trumpf 5130
Trumpf TruBend 3120
Trumpf 200R Punch Press
Trumpf 500r 1600
Amada Vipros King 368
Trumpf 500R
Trumpf Trumatic 500
Trumpf cnc punch press
Trumpf Quicksharp
Amada Pega 345
New punch tool grinder
Amada Vipros 357
Amada Aries 245
Wilson Xsharp
Amada Togu type grinder
Amada Octo 334
Euma ME-810s
Atlas Copco GA75VSD
DEMAG Overhead Crane
RSA Mono
Ernst Em6 Deburrer
Used Deburring Machine
Erlo TSAR 25/30 series
Richmond SR2
Frek Pollard 3ft Drill
Excel RD-750
Qualter & Smith QSR 4
Herbert Pillar Drill
Clarke 49086
Naerok GP 13
Rhodes circle cutter
Keetona Hydroform
Schiess RFW10S
Jones and Shipman 540
Snow RT400
Erfurt SU
Pedestal Grinder
Pedastal Grinder
Erfurt Grinder
Pearson 3metre x 16mm
Edwards VR6.5/3070
Edwards DD 2.5m
Edwards 13/3000
Edwards Pearson VE 10 3070
Edwards Pearson 13/3000
Amada New Delem
Bystronic VR 6.5-31
Elga Shear 3m x 13mm
Pearson 3m x 10mm
Mantech qc12y 6×3200
Cincinnati 4metre Shear
LVD HST-C 25/6
Edwards Pearson 3.5/3
Edwards Pearson VR 13
Pearson 2.5m x 8mm
Amada GS630
Carter QC12K-6 3m x 6mm
AFM MK6-31
Edwards Truecut
Promecam 1050 x 3mm
Lvd ist-e 40/60
Ursviken GSA 530
2.5metre dd shear
Sheet Metal Guillotines
Bystronic VR 6.5 x 3000
Cut to length line
Brand new 3m guillotines
Edwards DD
Foot operated Shear
Edwards DD Guillotine
Bronx Flying Shear Line
Hunter Scissor Lift
Linde H60D Truck
NICHIYU Fork Truck
Nordson Powder Coater
GEMA Powder Coater
Kojima 1000ton
Rhodes HDS 250
SMG 800ton HZPU
Kojima 2200ton
FAGOR H4-2500-5000-3000
Bendhor 30
WMW 250 Ton
2500ton hydraulic press
2000ton hydraulic press
1500ton hydraulic press
Hare 25Hp 25ton
C frame hydraulic press
Bemco 300ton c frame
Muller 700ton press
Schuler EB Press
Amada Tp 150ex
Lagan LMD 3000
Rhodes 60ton press
Norton hydraulic press
1000ton Hydraulic press
40ton hydraulic press
60ton hydraulic press
Hounsell 200ton press
Reha 60t Hydraulic press
John Shaw 5340 Ton
Mills 150 Ton
Hare 5 BS
RHTC 60 ton
HPK 150
Schoen SH/LF
Isitan DPM Press
Rhodes 125/HDS-CNC
Hyproloc 3000
Mills Traverse press
SMG Power Press
PYZ 3150 Power Press
Siempelkamp Press
Presse Hydraulic Press
Lagan 135-EL4
Kingsland 55XS
Geka Hydracrop 50S
New 115ton Iron Worker
New 60ton Iron worker
Kingsland 60XA
New 90 ton iron worker
New 80ton iron worker
Isitan HKM 60
HPK60 Hydraulic IUW
Pedrazzoli Universal Brown 32
Vertical bandsaw
Daito S8010 Bandsaw
Addison Jubilee VBS 360
Bridgeport Series 1
Startrite Volant 18
Addison Bandsaw
Bridgeport 1 2HP
Bridgeport 1 2 HP
Gate PBM 2000
V-2012f Bandsaw
Elektra Beckam Bandsaw
Vertical Bandsaw 65cm
3000 KRV Miller
Parkson 1NB Miller
5U Induma Miller
Maywick Paint Line
Megobal pb 63t
Promecam 1250 Rg
Cressex PE 25 60
Promecam RG 25/12
Durmazlar HKM 2004
Isitan 6mm Notcher
Treadle Edwards Notcher
HMW Notcher
Chin Fong OCP-80N
Erfurt 400ton C frame
Mechanical power press
Erfurt 250ton C frame
Beutler PN63 VR220
Schuler C Frame
Use Pressbrake Tooling
Ficep Excalibur 1201DE
Balconi 2DM 315
Panasonic YA-1NAR81E00
ABB IRB2400 M97A
ABB Welding Robot
New 4mm swager
Swager Swaging Machine
Oliver Lockformer
Oliver 14 Spindle
ASC Rollformer
Somerson 38 Profile
Bystronic Xpert 200
New cut to length lines