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Edwards Pearson Rt


Edwards Pearson CNC Pressbrake

Edwards Pearson 8 Axis 250 tonne x 4100mm CNC Hydraulic pressbrake
Pressbrake YR 1994
Axis: Y1/Y2 (independent cylinder control) plus 6 axis high precision twin leadscrew backgauge – X (in/out), X1 (independent in/out for taper folding) R (up/down) and Z1/Z2 (independent sideways movement), X axis range = 1000mm


* Cybelec DNC 98 colour graphic control with new TFT screen fitted
plus USB interface upgrade
* Automatic active hydraulic beam deflection compensation system
* Hydraulic ‘R’ type upper tool clamping
* T5 lower table
* New slim style infra red front light screen complete with
interlocked side and rear fencing
* Manual one shot lubrication system

Finance Available • Contact Us for details

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